BC Wildlife Park's Commitment to Access and Inclusion Continues with Fundraising for Playground Upgrades
In 2021, the BC Wildlife Park in Kamloops completed a project to pave all its pathways to make the park more accessible for people using wheelchairs, strollers, and walkers. As well, the park added powered mobility scooters and wheelchairs for visitors to easily explore the park. The washrooms were made accessible and environmentally efficient. And this was just the beginning of BC Wildlife Park’s commitment to access and inclusion.
Now, BC Wildlife Park has turned its attention to the iconic children’s playground. The current playground is over 23 years old and major upgrades are needed in order to bring it up to current standards and make it inclusive and accessible for children of all ages and abilities. While park priorities remain focused on animal care and welfare, children and families make it all possible.
Early playground renderings include accessible paths, inclusive equipment and sensory stations - all carefully designed to allow children to play together.
“Participation in play, on an equal basis with other children, is a right, not a privilege, for ALL children. Playgrounds are at the heart of a community and a space where children of all ages and abilities can connect together through play. Canada needs more playgrounds that are designed in innovative ways to be fully accessible and inclusive to the needs of all children. No child should be left on the sidelines of play.”
Fundraising Initiatives
Fundraising efforts began with a country music concert on June 17 and a children’s contest asking BC children of all ages to share what outdoor play means to them through a creative piece, like a poem, letter, artwork, or video.
More fun and engaging fundraising initiatives are planned throughout the year-long campaign.
To learn more about upcoming events, please visit BCWildlife.org for details.
To support the new BC Wildlife Park accessible playground visit BCWildlife.org/play.htm or text “play” to 30333.